UX Designer at Savage Game Studios, a PlayStation Studio
Helsinki, Finland
I'm a UI/UX designer working with games for 8 years, I’m from the North of Brazil, Amazonas's countryside. During these years, I worked with multiplatform games: AR, VR, mobile, and consoles.

My most recent job was as UX Designer at the action shooter flight game Sky Warriors, released for IOS, Android, and developer by Wild Life Studios, where I had the honor to work from the pre-production until the live ops. I was involved in most of the features from conception to development, talking directly with Product Managers, Game Designers, Engineers, UA, and QA.

Generally speaking, during my years of career I was able to enjoy the best in the local and global scenarios. I had the opportunity to develop a 3D puzzle platformer game Tin & Kuna released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC, Aksys Games publisher and developer by Black River Studios, which acquired my knowledge of multi-platforms.
In my first years, I had the experience of co-founding an independent game studio, which provided me had an overview of the business, maturity, and multidisciplinary to understand other development areas.
Thanks to my multidisciplinary approach I was able to have an overview of the game development, which allowed me to be close to the engineering and technological art teams, it helped me to know the system's limitations and the good implementation practices. So, my role sees the full process from early concepts right through to the design, implementation, and asset building.
Benchmark ,  Screenflow , Taskflows , Wireframes , Prototype, Concept , UX/UI documentations , Implementation, Asset build
Software proficiency
Unity 3D , Figma, Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe XD, Adobe
Illustrator , Maya 3D, Principle, Godot
UX Designer at Savage Game Studios, a PlayStation Studio
Responsible for UX workflow (research, benchmarks, wireframes, prototype).
Senior UI/UX Designer at Ten Square Games
Development of new features for the Undead Clash game, responsible for creating wireframes, visual design, exporting assets, and implementing them on the Unity 3D platform. Collaborates directly with the main stakeholders, Product owners, Product managers, Game designers, Engineers, and QA.

UX Designer at Wildlife Studios
Responsible for introducing the value of UX to the Sky Warriors game, through playtests, research, design methods, and dealing directly with Product Managers, Game Design, Engineers, UA, and QA. I had the honor to work from the pre-production until the live ops.
Game UI/UX Designer and UI artis at Black River Studios
Responsible for UI/UX pipeline: user research, benchmarks, persona, gameflow, screenflow, UI concepts, wireframes, prototypes, asset build, UI implementation, user playtest, UI documentation.
Lead Art at Dreamkid Studio
Co-founder of the indie game studio and responsible for
the visual direction of its projects, including art, UX/UI
and animation.

UI/UX Designer at CERTI Instituto Certi Amazônia
Responsible for the development of interface and user
Graphic Designer at Futura Comunicação e Marketing
Development of advertising campaigns, diagramming
of editorial projects, social media, illustration.

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